

日  時:2012年7月8日(日) 10:30~12:30
場  所:可視化実験室
テ ー マ:放射線のデータ検討会
話題提供:佐治愿(Ex-Secretariat of Nuclear Safety Commission)
備  考:当日は日本語で行います

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Nature’s Revelation of Vulnerabilities in Nuclear Science and Technology

The accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power station in Japan is one of the most serious in operating history for commercial nuclear power plants. The tsunami, which arrived at 15:37 on March 11, brought the plants into an unprecedented severe accident state of “loss of ultimate heat sink”, followed with “SBO (station blackout)”, combined with and further aggravated through “loss of instrumentation and control power.” By losing all measures to control the troubled reactors, a series of hydrogen explosion and environmental release events followed during the active phase of ten days.  In this seminar, the speaker will try to characterize and assess the disaster from scientific and technological viewpoints, based on author’s findings in the Chernobyl- and TMI studies, since there are many unknowns in the accident sequence.
The symposium will cover (1) Scientific facts, causes and evolution of the disaster; (2) Environmental release and health effects of radioactivity; (3) Removal of radioactive species by water treatment; and (4) Decontamination and Decommissioning.

上記の「(2) Environmental release and health effects of radioactivity」および関連事項の「Emerging New Paradigms for Understanding Effects of Low Level Radiation」について当日は話していただき、議論したいと思います。